Bonjour angels, March leaves me renewed
and ready for April’s blessings.
Happy Easter!
"You are beautiful when you are happy."
― Oscar Wilde
March Monthly Favorites

[ 001 ] Classic Chanel Like Bag in Blush … Perfect for a spring/summer bag. Also, SHE is Thrifted!
[ 002 ]Finished Reading Chicken Soup for the Soul:101 Stories to Open the Heart & Rekindle the Spirit.
My goal for the year is to read 12 books. Three down... Nine more to go.
[ 003 ]Currently Watching… Only Murders in the Building
I finished season one this month...it's so good.
[ 004 ] Loving my Bedroom Furniture ...
Finally, the house is complete with furniture. Unless I want more Patio furniture.
Each new day is a chance to grow angels,

Affirmations for March
I radiate love and compassion to all beings.
I am grateful for the abundance in my life.
I am worthy of love, success, and happiness.